Please see the donation request from Gush Etzion's Virtual Beit Medrash regarding use of VBM material. In no way should funds be sent to or through this web site. Please contact Gush Etzion to support the virtual Beit Medrash. Questions about the shiurim may be addressed to .
"I am taking this opportunity to write you before Yom
Kippur concerning the
financial state of the VBM. As you will undoubtedly remember, we requested
last May that students make a voluntary tuition donation to help cover the
costs of the program. To those of you who responded, our sincerest thanks.
Our records indicate, however, that a surprisingly large number of students
may have forgotten to forward their contributions..."
Please visit the VBM site to see how much each set of shiurim is worth.
Questions about the shiurim may be addressed to .