Dead Sea Scrolls
JHI 6233: Dead Sea Scrolls
Bernard Revel Graduate School
Fall 2004: Sid Leiman
the original syllabus for the Class Assignment Schedule
A. Primary Collections:
- D. Barthelemy, J.T. Milik, et al., Discoveries in the Judaean Desert,
Oxford, 1955-2004.
- S.A. Reed and M.J. Lundberg, The Dead Sea Scrolls on Microfiche,
Leiden, 1993. See also: E. Tov and S.J. Pfann, The Dead Sea Scrolls on
Microfiche: A Companion Volume, Leiden, 1993.
- R.H. Eisemann and J.M. Robinson, A Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea
Scrolls, Washington, D.C., 1 991, 2 vols.
- B.Z. Wacholder and M.G. Abegg, A Preliminary Edition of the Unpublished
Dead Sea Scrolls, Washington, D.C., 1991-95, 3 vols.
- S.A. Reed, The Dead Sea Scrolls Catalogue: Documents, Photographs and
Museum Inventory Numbers, Atlanta, 1994.
B. First Editions:
For a listing of the contents of the DJD volumes, see below, section F, sub
G. Vermes. Cf. DJD, vol. xxxix (2002), pp. 1-25. For the editio princeps of the
various scrolls and fragments not published originally in DJD, see the
bibliographies listed below in section F, especially J. Fitzmyer. Samples of
important texts not published originally in DJD are:
J.T. Milik, The Books of Enoch:
Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4, New York, 1976.
Y. Yadin,
Jerusalem, 1 977, 3 vols. (English edition: The Temple Scroll, Jerusalem, 1 983,
3 vols.)
- A.M. Habermann, ed.,
- J. Maier, ed., Die Texte von Toten Meer, Basel, 1960, 2 vols.
- E. Lohse, ed., Die Texte aus Qumran, Munich, 1971.
- J. Carmignac and P. Guilbert, eds., Les Textes de Qumran, Paris,
1961-1963, 2 vols.
- B. Jongeling et aI., eds., Aramaic Texts from Qumran with Translations
and Annotations, Leiden, 1976.
- J. Fitzmyer and D.J. Harrington, A Manual of Palestinian Aramaic Texts,
Rome, 1978.
- K. Beyer, Die aramaischen Texte vom Toten Meer, Goettingen, 1984.
- J.H. Charlesworth et al., eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls, Tuebingen and
Louisville, 1994 on.
- F. Garcia Martinez and E.J.C. Tigchelaar, eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls:
Study Edition, Grand Rapids, 2000, 2 vols.
- D.W. Parry and F. Toy, eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls Reader, Leiden,
2004, 3 vols.
D. Concordances:
1. A.M. Habermann (see above, section
2. K.G. Kuhn, Konkordanz zu den Qumrantexten, Goettingen, 1960.
3. A Preliminary Concordance to the Hebrew and Aramaic Fragments from
Qumran Caves 2-10, Goettingen, 1988, 5 vols.
4. J.H. Charlesworth, Graphic Concordance to the Dead Sea Scrolls,
Louisville, 1991.
5. M.G. Abegg et al, eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls Concordance: The
Non-Biblical Texts, Leiden, 2003, 2 vols.
E. English Translations:
- A. Dupont-Sommer, The Essene Writings from Qumran, Gloucester,
Mass., 1973.
- T.H. Gaster, The Dead Sea Scriptures, New York, 1964.
- F. Garcia Martinez, The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts
in English, Leiden, 1994.
- G. Vermes, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, New York, 1
997 on.
- D.W. Parry and F. Tov, eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls Reader, Leiden,
2004, 3 vols.
F. Introductions and Bibliography:
- J. Fitzmyer, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and Tools for
Study, Atlanta, 1 990.
- G. Vermes, An Introduction to the Complete Dead Sea Scrolls,
Minneapolis, 2000.
- L. Schiffman and J.C. VanderKam, eds., Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea
Scrolls, Oxford, 2000, 2 vols.
I. Preliminary Session.
II. General Background and Historical Setting.
- Book of
- First Book of
- F. Schuerer, The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ,
ed. by G. Vermes and F. Millar, Edinburgh, 1973, vol. 1, pp. 137-557.
- Chapter 4: Religious Crisis and Revolution 175-164
- Chapter 5: Judas Maccabaeus 164-161
- Chapter 6: Jonathan
161-143/2 B.C.
- Chapter 7: Simon
143(2)-135/4 B.C.
- Chapter 8: John Hyrcanus I -
135/4-104 B.C.
- Chapter 9: Aristobulus I - 104-103
- Chapter 10: Alexander Jannaeus - 103-76
Chapter 11: Alexandra - 76-67
- Chapter 12: Aristobulus II - 67-63
- From the Capture of Jerusalem by Pompey to the Hadrianic
- Chapter 13: Hyrcanus II - 63-40 B.C. The Rise of Antipater and his Sons Phasael and
- Chapter 14: Antigonus - 40-37
- Chapter 15: Herod the Great - 37-4
- Chapter 16: Disturbances After Herod's Death - 4
- Chapter 17: The Death of Herod the
Great to Agrippa I 4 B.C.-41 A.D.
- Excursus
I - The Census of Quirinus - Luke 2:1-5
- Excursus
II - Josephus on Jesus and James
- Chapter 18: Agrippa I - 37, 40, 41-44
- Chapter 19: The Roman Procurators - 44-66
- Excursus
1: Agrippa II - 50- (?)92/3 A.D.
- Chapter 20: The Great War with Rome -
66-74(?) A.D.
- Chapter 21:
From the Destruction of Jerusalem to the Downfall of Bar Kokhba
- F.M. Cross, Jr., The Ancient Library of Qumran, third edition,
Minneapolis, 1995.
III. The Manual of Discipline.
- Habermann, pp.
- Vermes, pp.
- Plates:
M. Burrows, The Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark's Monastery,
New Haven, 1951, vol. 2, fasc. 2 (600 DPI B&W).
DPI of the plates in grayscale, a 20 Mb Windows self-extracting viewer.)
- Prepare: I:1 - VII:25.
- Additional readings
- Morag
S., Hakinuyyim HaEmzaiim lnistar ilnistarot bimgilat yam-hamelah,
Eretz Yisrael 3, pp. 166-169
- Baer,
Y, "Serech Hayachad," Zion (??), pp. 1-60
- Baer,
Y, "Pesher Habakuk utkufato," Zion (??), pp. 1-42
IV. The Damascus Rule.
- Habermann, pp.
- Vermes, pp.
- Plates: M. Broshi, ed., The Damascus Document Reconsidered,
Jerusalem, 1992.
- Transcription
in Broshi
- (300dpi) 1-2,
(also 7-8)
(600 dpi) 1,
(Large files!)
- Prepare: I:1 - VI:21; IX:16 - XIII:7.
- Additional readings
- "Damascus
Document," Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea
Scrolls, L. Schiffman and J.C. VanderKam, eds., Oxford, 2000, vol. 1, pp.166-170
- Baumgarten,
J.M., "The Laws of the Damascus Document in Current Research,"
in Broshi, pp. 51-62
- "Book
of Hagu," Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea
Scrolls, L. Schiffman and J.C. VanderKam, eds., Oxford, 2000, vol. 1, p.
- Steinmetz, D,
"Sefer HeHago: The Community and the Book," Journal of Jewish
Studies, (62/1, 2001), pp. 39-58.
- B.Z.
Wacholder and M.G. Abegg on the Book of Hago, from the Introduction to
"A Preliminary Edition of the Unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls,"
Washington, D.C., 1991-95, vol. 1, pp xii-xiv
- Warman,
Kana, "'HaTorah viHateudah' haketuvah al haluhot," Tarbiz 68/4
(1998), pp. 1-20
- Grabbe,
L.L., "The Jannes/Jambrus Tradition in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan and
its Date," Journal of Biblical Literature, 98/3 (1979), pp. 393-401
V. Pesher Habakkuk.
- Habermann, pp.
- Vermes, pp. 478-485.
- Plates: M. Burrows, The Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark's Monastery,
New Haven, 1950, vol. 1, plates
55-61 (and transcription).
- Prepare: Entire.
- Additional Readings
- Martinez and
Tigchelaar Transcription
- "Pesher
Habakkuk," Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea
Scrolls, L. Schiffman and J.C. VanderKam, eds., Oxford, 2000, Vol 2, pp.647-650
- Baer,
Y, "Pesher Habakuk utkufato," Zion (??), pp. 1-42
VI. Pesher Nahum.
- Habermann, p. 153.
- Vermes, pp.
- Plates:
- Prepare: Entire.
VII. The Messianic Rule.
- Habermann, pp. 59-60.
- Vermes, pp.
- Plates: D. Barthelemy and
J.T. Milik, DJD, Oxford, 1955, vol. 1,
plates 23-24.
- page
1 magnified
- page
2 magnified
- Prepare: Entire.
VIII. 11Q Melchizedek.
- Not in Habermann.
- Vermes, pp.
- Plates: A.S. van der
Woude, "Melchizedek als himmlische Erloesergestalt," Oudtestamentische Studien 14(1965)
- Page 1 at 600dpi standard
and magnified
- Page 2 at 600 dpi standard
- Prepare: Entire.
IX. The Temple Scroll.
- Not in Habermann.
- Vermes, pp.
- Plates: Y.
Jerusalem, 1977, vol. 3, plates 66-81.
- Prepare: LI:11 - LIII:8; LIV:5 - LIX:21; LX:16 - LXIII:8.
- Not in Habermann.
- Vermes, pp. 220-228.
- Plates: DJD, Oxford, 1994, plates 1-8.
- Prepare: B: lines 35-41.
Select Bibliography
J.T. Barrera and L.V. Montaner,
eds., The Madrid Qumran Congress, Leiden, 1 992, 2 vols.
T.S. Beall, Josephus'
Description of the Essenes Illustrated by the Dead Sea Scrolls, Cambridge,
G.J. Brooke, Exegesis at Qumran:
4Q Florilegium in its Jewish Context, Sheffield, 1985.
G.J. Brooke ed., Temple Scroll
Studies, Sheffield, 1989.
P.R. Callaway, The History of
the Qumran Community, Sheffield, 1988.
L. Cansdale, Qumran and the
Essenes: A Re-Evaluation of the Evidence, Tuebingen, 1 997.
D. Dimant and U. Rappaport, eds., The
Dead Sea Scrolls: Forty Years of Research, Leiden, 1992.
P.W. Flint and J.C. Vanderkam,
eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls After Fifty Years, Leiden, 1998-9, 2 vols.
F. Garcia Martinez, Qumran and
Apocalyptic: Studies in the Aramaic Texts from Qumran, Leiden, 1 992.
M.A. Knibb, Jubilees and the
Origins of the Qumran Community, London, 1989.
P.J. Kobelski, Melchizedek and
Melchiresha, Washington, 1981.
J.K. Lefkovits, The Copper
Scroll 3Q15: A Reevaluation, Leiden, 2000.
T.H. Lim et al., eds., The Dead
Sea Scrolls in their Historical Context, Edinburgh, 2000.
J.A. Maier, The Temple Scroll,
Sheffield, 1985.
F. Qimron, The Hebrew of the
Dead Sea Scrolls, Scholars Press, 1986.
L.H. Schiffman,
Jerusalem, 1993.
F.M. Schuller, Non-Canonical
Psalms from Qumran, Scholars Press, 1987.
D.D. Swanson, The Temple Scroll
and the Bible, Leiden, 1995.
E.C. Ulrich, The Qumran Text of
Samuel and Josephus, Scholars Press, 1983.
B.Z. Wacholder, The Dawn of
Qumran, Cincinnati, 1 983.
M. Weinfeld, The Organizational
Pattern and the Penal Code of the Qumran Sect, Goettingen, 1986.
- Prepare for each session (Bring plate, read, translate, and defend
- Exam on all readings on section
G and anything said in class.
- Term Paper. Topic of choice. ~25 pages.
- Editio Princeps (Sukenik/Avigad)
- Bernstein,
Moshe J., "Poetry and prose in 4Q371-373 Narrative and Poetic
Composition (a, b, c)," Liturgical Perspectives (2003), pp. 19-33
(Copyrighted. Please write me for the password.)
Esther Glickler, "The use of the Bible as a key to meaning in
psalms from Qumran," Emanuel (2003), pp. 85-96
- Chazon,
Esther Glickler, "Hymns and prayers in the Dead Sea Scrolls," The
Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years Vol. I (1998) 244-270
- Chazon,
Esther Glickler, "Human and angelic prayer in light of the Dead Sea
Scrolls,"Liturgical Perspectives (2003), pp. 35-47
- Daise M.
"Biblical Creation Motifs in the Qumran Hodayot," 50...
- "Hodayot,"
Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, L. Schiffman and J.C.
VanderKam, eds., Oxford, 2000
- Hopkins,
Denise Dombkowski, "The Qumran community and 1 Q Hodayot; a
reassessment," RQ 10, 3 (1981), pp. 323-364
- Licht - Hodayot
- Martinez and
Tigchelaar 1QH
- Newsom,
Carol A., "'Sectually explicit' literature from Qumran," The
Hebrew Bible and Its Interpreters (1990), pp. 167-187.
- Puech
E., "Un Hymne Essenien Em Partie Retrouve Et Les Beatitudes,"
Revue de Qumran, 1988
- Puech
E., " Queques aspects de la restauration du Rouleau des Hymnes 1QH,"
Journal of Jewish Studies, 1988
- "Poetry,"
Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, L. Schiffman and J.C.
VanderKam, eds., Oxford, 2000
- "Psalms,"
Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, L. Schiffman and J.C.
VanderKam, eds., Oxford, 2000
- Sanders,
James A., "The Modern History of the Qumran Psalms Scroll and
Canonical Criticism," Emanuel (2003), pp. 393-411
- Skehan,
Patrick W., "A Liturgical Complex in 11QPs(a)," CBQ 35 (1973),
pp. 195-205.
- Skehan,
Patrick W., "The Divine Name at Qumran, in the Masada Scroll, and
in the Septuagint," BIOSCS 13 (1980), pp.14-44
- Stegemann H - The Material Reconstruction of 1QHodayot.pdf