Analysis of biblical metaphor and related literary issues as a key for defining the principal developments within the Spanish exegetical tradition. Origins in Saadia' s endeavor to reconcile Scripture and reason; Moses Ibn Ezra's poetic exegesis; Abraham Ibn Ezra's principles of peshat; Maimonides' philological and literary conceptions; Radak's midrashically enriched peshat method.
Lectures are based on readings indicated below, which must be prepared prior to class, meetings. In addition to final examination, each student must write a research paper on a topic related to the course. Further details to be announced during the semester.
assigned readings were selected in part because of the primary sources they
discuss and further studies to which they refer. Students are expected to look
up the critical primary sources and are encouraged to consult the additional
secondary sources in order to enrich their grasp of developments in the field of
parshanut ha-miqra and biblical scholarship in general. (You will
need a password to open the ones that are copyrighted)
Greenberg 1983:16-91 (chapters on Saadia through Radak)
Alonso Schockel 1988:95-141 (It's 17 Mbytes, so please right-click and select "Save Target as..." ); Weiss 1984:1-46, 130-135
Optional: Watson 1986:251-272
Mondschein 1992:137-142; idem 2000; Cohen 2003:1-16
Cohen 2003, chapter 1; Perez 1986
Optional: Pollack 1997:65-90; Steiner 1998:213-222; Ben-Shammai 1991:380-384 (esp. n. 46)
Cohen 2003, chapter 2; Klein-Braslavy 1988
Cohen 2003, chapter 3; Kamin 1991:12*~26*
Optional: Steiner 1996:43-47
Cohen 2003, chapter 4; Twersky 1993
Optional: Rosenberg 1981
Cohen 2003, chapter 5; Melammed 1978:538-539 (on smichut parashiyot)
Cohen 1994; Cohen 2003, chapter 6.1; Talmage 1975:1-42
Cohen 2003, chapter 6.2-6.3
Cohen 2003, chapter 7; Steiner 1992
(You will need a password to open the ones that are copyrighted)
Ahrend, Moshe. 1994. "The Concept Peshuto Shellamiqra' in the Making" [Hebrew]. In The Bible In Light of Its Interpreters: Sarah Kamin Memorial Volume [Hebrew], ed. S. Japhet. Jerusalem: Magnes Press. Pp. 237-259.
Alonso Schöckel, Luis. 1988. A Manual of Hebrew Poetics. Rome: Editrice Potifico Istituto Biblico.
Berlin, Adele. 1991. Biblical Poetry Through Medieval Jewish Eyes. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
__________ 1997. "On The Use of Traditional Jewish Exegesis in the Modem Literary Study of the Bible." In Tehillah le-Mosheh. Biblical and Judaic Studies in Honor of Moshe Greenberg, ed. M. Cogan, B. Eichler, I. Tigay. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns. Pp. 173-183.
Ben-Shammai, Haggai. 1991. "Rabbi Sa'adiah Gaon's Preface to Isaiah, an Introduction to the Later Prophets" [Hebrew]. Tarbiz 60:371-404.
Cohen, Mordechai Z. 1994. "Midrashic Influences on Radak's Peshat Exegesis" [Hebrew]. In Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies. Jerusalem: Magnes Press. 1:143- 150.
_________________ 2003. Three Approaches to Biblical Metaphor: From Abraham Ibn Ezra and Maimonides to David Kimhi. Leiden: Brill.
Greenberg, Moshe, ed. 1983. Jewish Bible Exegesis: An Introduction [Hebrew]. Jerusalem: Magnes Press.
Kamin, Sara. 1991. Jews and Christians Interpret the Bible. Jerusalem: Magnes Press.
Melammed, Ezra Zion. 1978. Bible Commentators [Hebrew]. Jerusalem: Magnes Press.
Mondschein, Aharon. 1992. "On the Attitude of R. Abraham Ibn Ezra to the Exegetical Use of the Hermeneutic Norm Gematri'a" [Hebrew]. In Te'uda 8: Studies in the Works of Abraham Ibn Ezra [Hebrew], ed. I Levin. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University Press. Pp. 137-161.
_________________ 2000. "'Only One in A Thousand of his Comments May Be Called Peshat': Toward Ibn Ezra's View of Rashi's Commentary to the Torah" [Hebrew]. In Studies in Bible and Exegesis V: Presented to Uriel Simon [Hebrew], ed. M. Garsiel et al. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press. Pp. 221-248.
Pollack, Meira. 1997. The Karaite Tradition of Arabic Bible Translation. Leiden: Brill.
Rosenberg, Shalom. 1981. nrny.~r~ ~t'zi w~p~ri ~ >~u. Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought 1: 157-185.
Rosenberg, Shalom. 1969. v.rrr5 ~ ~'t. De 'ot 37:91-98.
Sabo, Magne, ed. 2000. Hebrew Bible / Old Testament.' The History of Its Interpretation, vol. I, part 2: The Middle Ages. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Talmage, Frank 1975. David Kimhi: The Man and the Commentaries. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Watson. Wilfred, G.E. 1986. Classical Hebrew Poetry: A Guide to Its Techniques. Sheffield: JSOT Press.
Weiss, Meir. 1984. The Bible From Within.' The Method of Total Interpretation. Jerusalem: Magnes Press.