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2:9 , etc.), הֵיךְ דִּי conj. (like Dn הֵא כְדִי : = Heb. כַּאֲשֶׁר ), as היך די גבא

like as he levied, Cooke Tariff ii. b 12. 18, c 14. 17. 21. 26 [ T O Jon for כַּאֲשֶׁר have כְּמָא דְ׳ ,

T Jer הֵיכְמָא דְ׳ , S ˜˜˜˜ ˜ (˒ayk d)]. It is dub. whether הֵא כְדִי belongs to

a (notice especially T Jon) or b: Schulth ZAW 1902, 164 f. to b , reading הֵאךְ דִּי (but א

rare and late: D § 45. 1); Nes OLtz. 1892, 488 from הֵיךְ (v. B H) how? ) . הַב v. יְהַב .

[ הַדָּבַר S 1907 TWOT 2689 ] n. m. counsellor, minister ( Pers. loan-word; orig. form and meaning dub. , cf. Andr M 60 Mey Entst. J. 23 Dr Dn 3:24 ) ;— pl. emph. הַדָּֽבְרַיָּא Dn 6: 8; cstr. הַדָּֽבְרֵי 3:2 7; sf. הַדָּֽבְרֵי 4:3 3, -ר֫וֹהִי 3:2 4. —Vid. גְּדָֽבְרַיָּא .

[ הַדָּם S 1917 TWOT 2690 ] n. [ m. ] member, limb ( loan-word from Pers. ﻩَنْدَام , أَنْدَام ( handām, ˒andām ) id. Lag Ges Abh. 28 Fl Levy ChWB i. 423 b ) ; pl. abs. הַדָּמִין תִּתְעַבְדוּן Dn 2:5 ye shall be made members , i.e. dismembered , so 3:29 .

•[הֲדַר S 1922, 1923, 1924 TWOT 2691, 2691a GK 2076 ] vb. Pa. glorify God (T Syriac

BH honour man ) ;— Pf. 2 ms. הַדַּ֑רְתָּ Dn 5:2 3, 1 s. הַדְּרֵת 4:3 1; Pt. act. מְהַדַּר

v 34 (all c. ל pers .).

Tariff Palmyrene Tariff Inscription. S Syriac Version.
dub. dubious, doubtful.

Schulth F. Schulthess.

ZAW Z. f. alttest. Wissenschaft . D G. Dalman, Grammatik des Jüdisch-Aramäischen (2 nd ed., 1905). Nes E. Nestle.

Lag P. de Lagarde. Ges W. Gesenius. Fl H.L. Fleischer.

Levy Jacob Levy.

ChWB J. Levy, Chaldäisches Wörterbuch. ms. masculine singular.

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